FORBES May 13, 2013
By: Rob Ashghar – “When the winds of change rise, says the old Chinese proverb, ordinary people build walls, while extraordinary people build windmills.
The music industry may have faced stiffer winds in recent years than any other, gales that have scattered the walls built by even the wealthiest and most determined gatekeepers of the traditional recording industry.
And in the Internet era, no new landscape is host to more raucous, eclectic and competing hordes of pioneers, speculators and reactionaries. And no landscape may offer more lessons about how to go past the usual lip service about embracing change in order to actually shape change and profit from it.
Brian Zisk, founder of the semi-annual SF MusicTech Summit, has made it his mission to help bring cosmos from out of the chaos of the music world. The MusicTech summit, which convenes on May 28 for the 13th time, reflects his view that the art of music is now inextricably a part of a larger ecosystem that includes technology and business. Read More